5 Super Bowl Freerolls
Heads you win / tails you tie
First, I previously mentioned that you can get $10 free from Kalshi (here) and secondly, another $50 free from Crypto.com (here). Those are two fun, fast ones worth scooping up. You can bet on tonight’s game on both with better odds and an easier interface than traditional sports betting sites.
Third, tomorrow morning, you can recover with a free burger at Carl’s Jr.
Fourth, wash it down with a free coffee at Starbucks (SBUX).
If you like it you can get free Starbucks coffee every Monday (here with invite code CD258H2XBE).
Fifth and finally… The big freeroll takes just a few seconds, no capital, no risk, and could payout $1 million. Download Perplexity’s AI app and ask five questions during the Super Bowl. Upside: a million dollars. Downside: you familiarize yourself with a great AI app.