Alter Ego
Your other self
Cicero first used the phrase in De Amicitia in 44 BC meaning “a second self, a trusted friend”. In the law, alter ego is a doctrine in which a court finds a corporation lacks a separate identity from a shareholder. That’s what happened to the PDVSA oil corporation and its owner Venezuela, allowing claimants to damages by Venezuela to auction off PDVSA’s Citgo equity in order to satisfy our claims. The process is on track to culminate in a sale in the third quarter of this year. Beneficiaries could include Rusoro (RMLFF) and Gold Reserve (GDRZF) both of which could get distributions of over twice their market caps.
I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of RMLFF and GDRZF either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives and can generally be presumed to own securities that I discuss.