Should You Give to Harvard and Penn?
No. And that’s not just because of antisemitism.
Harvard has over $53 billion and Penn has over $21 billion. There’s absolutely nothing that they would do better with more money. In fact, they’d probably be better at prioritizing if they had less. They have become the philanthropic equivalent of Veblen goods in which demand increases as the price increases. The philanthropic snob good is a beneficiary that gets more money when it needs it less.
Oh yes, and there’s the vile “anticolonialist” veneer of cover for antisemitism and anti-Americanism that wore off this past week. There is zero reason for donors to subsidize people who favor genocide against them. But my case is not a moralistic one; it is the highly practical one that in no case are Harvard and Penn the most worthy possible beneficiaries.
What’s better? Well, er um… virtually anything. Stack up your money and burn it with the autumn leaves. But what if you want to actually make things better? What if you are more interested in arming young people with the tools and values to succeed in life than arming them with grievances and radicalism on display this past week? I offer two schools more worthy of donors’ attention.
Washington DC’s Digital Pioneers Academy cultivates 21st century, transferrable skills that offers their students a comprehensive path to college and a career while building character and citizenship in their scholars. They teach social studies, and English but are particularly focused on science, math, and computer science. While it is an intellectually rich environment, there is a clear emphasis on developing marketable skills. They accept tax-deductible donations here.
Vertex Partnership Academies is a flourishing public charter high school in the Bronx with an emphasis on the virtues of personal responsibility and agency:
- I reject victimhood and boldly persevere, even in times of uncertainty and struggle.
- I uphold our common humanity and honor the inherent dignity of each individual.
- I lead my life with self-discipline because I am responsible for my learning and behavior.
- I make sound judgments, based on knowledge of objective, universal truth.
Students recently had the opportunity to meet with Supreme Court Justice Clarene Thomas for an hour and a half of discussion.
Vertex accepts tax-deductible donations here.
These two schools need the money more than Harvard or Penn. They are doing more with it — cultivating applicable computer science and other skills that will give students better odds at life and teaching classical virtues of courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom. This is what we need. This will produce better citizens and better people for a better future. There is no need to be despondent about the grotesque scenes from elite universities this past week. You have no responsibility to subsidize people that hate you. But your money is better off elsewhere anyway. Skip your alma mater and instead of Harvard and Penn, give to DPA and Vertex. You’ll feel better and all four institutions will be better for your taking personal responsibility and agency for your giving.