The New Gold Standard
2 good products that work great together.
Robinhood offers the new gold standard in credit card cash back with 3% cash back across the board. Plastiq allows you to pay bills — including rent or mortgage — by credit card for 2.9%. This is a powerful combination. You can make a modest amount of money on the difference while also getting interest on the balance that you don’t have to use to pay bills until the subsequent credit card bill.
What is this worth? Quite a lot. The net cash back is only three digits per year on $100k spend, but the net interest is well into the four digits. And after your first $2,500 in Plastiq payments (also good or hitting signup bonuses’ spending requirements on other new cards) you’ll get $1k of free payments (as in the credit card payment will have no fee / you still are responsible for paying the credit card bill).