Updates On This And That
Saving, investing, and spending
Save is probably my favorite new savings discovery this year. In the short time that I’ve saved with them, I have gotten a tax efficient double digit yield on federally insured principal. 10.82% return so far; will update as this plays out over the next 1-year and 5-year periods (I bought both terms last quarter). My experience is that I find out a lot of the problems with new financial tools only after implementation, but so far this one is terrific in theory and in practice.
Here are the last ten completed ideas shared prospectively with StW subscribers and retrospectively with the general public, in case others are interested in what we’re up to.
Travel is my favorite way to spend money. It is good to get away. It helps the process of prioritization to have some time away from connectivity. Being at the office too much makes it possible to spend time just reacting and responding instead of first determining what’s important to you. All time is free time. How you allocate it between work / health / rest / family / friends is among the most important decisions. My past week.